This crowd of Dogwood flowers seemed so friendly, I just had to take their picture.
I made the essence a couple of years back with another Dogwood (Cornus florida) in Maudslay Park. I haven't yet done a large-scale study with the essence - that is, with a group of volunteer testers. But it’s been coming up a bit in flower essence appointments with clients. When it presents in a session (through dowsing or kinesiology), I’ll make a note of what’s going on for the person I’m working with and look for common themes across clients. In each case so far, the circumstances seemed to involve some kind of difficulty with embodiment or living comfortably in the physical realm. So that's all I've got for now. I'm sure more info will come to light over time.
One fascinating tidbit about Dogwood trees…they’re cosexual...which means their flowers include both male and female reproductive parts. I find the gender of tree flowers to be SO VERY INTERESTING, and I'm wondering about the effects that these different flowers might have on us, energetically-speaking. Here’s a quickie breakdown of the types of configurations you can find in Tree World.
Dioecious - These trees are either male or female. Male trees produce pollen, and female trees produce seeds/fruit. They need to be relatively near one another to pollinate (with the help of the wind and/or pollinators). Examples include: Aspen, Willow and Red Cedar.
Monoecious - A single monoecious tree produces both male flowers (or pollen cones) and female flowers (or seed cones). The male and female flowers are often located in different parts of the tree. Examples include: Beech, Birch, Fir, Hickory, Walnut and Norway Spruce.
Cosexual - These trees produce a single flower (aka, a “perfect flower”) that includes both male and female reproductive parts. Examples include: Dogwood, Magnolia, Apple, Cherry, Pear and American Elm.
Polygamous - These trees truly have it all - they have the capacity to produce cosexual flowers, male flowers AND female flowers all on the same tree. Examples include: Red Maple, Sugar Maple, Black Ash, Locust and Sumac.
What this all means in essence terms is probably going to keep me busy for a quite a while! I’m particularly curious about the presence of male/female energies in monoecious trees, the all-in-one gender configuration of cosexual trees, the fluidity of polygamous trees - and how/if essences made with any of these flowers might offer support in our own explorations of gender identity, male/female roles and yin/yang balance. So I'm chewing all of that over and thinking about putting together a few informal studies - comparing, say, the effects of male flowers and female flowers from the same tree. More on this down the road...